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Basic Guide to Fall Fertilization: Prepare Your Lawn, Trees, and Perennials for Winter

VILANOVAA • 15 de noviembre de 2023

Fall can be a good time to fertilize your lawn, trees, and perennials. It's crucial to do it properly to prepare them for winter since in the colder months, plants either don't grow or grow very slowly.

Fertilization should take place before the first frost, and the most environmentally friendly approach involves using natural methods and slow-release organic fertilizers (such as humus, compost, manure)


The simplest way to fertilize the lawn in autumn is by leaving a mulch with the remains of the last grass clippings. This can provide up to 50% of the nutrients the lawn needs. Any lack of essential nutrients can be compensated with organic fertilizer, aiding its survival through the winter cold.

Conventional lawn fertilizer is not ideal for fall fertilization as it contains too much nitrogen, promoting growth and making it more vulnerable to frost. Instead, opt for an organic fertilizer rich in potassium. Potassium helps the lawn become more resistant to the cold, ensuring survival during low-light months.


The easiest way to fertilize trees in autumn is by keeping their fallen leaves underneath them. Leaves offer several benefits: they act as mulch, retaining moisture in the soil, which aids the microorganisms breaking down the leaves, making their nutrients available to the trees and creating an ideal habitat.

Avoid piling the leaves around the trunk to prevent bark rot. When mulch isn't enough, organic fertilizer is the best option. It contains less nitrogen and helps improve soil structure. You can apply organic fertilizers like worm castings or horse manure.

Loosen the soil, add some organic fertilizer, and water.


In autumn, pile up leaf litter around the plants. If you don't have enough leaves or if they aren't sufficient, use slow-release organic fertilizers. Leaves and organic fertilizers decompose slowly, and in winter, the goal isn't to rush plant growth but to assist them in surviving the coldest days and prepare for spring's arrival.

At our VILANOVAA store in Carballo, we provide our expertise to offer you the best guidance.

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INGREDIENTES 4 huevos. 275 g de azúcar. 200 g de manteca de vaca a temperatura ambiente. 400 g de harina de trigo común de repostería o de trigo gallego. 150 ml de nata. 15 g de levadura de repostería. Pizca de sal. 300 g de pure de calabaza escurrido. 1/2 Cucharadita de canela en polvo, la mitad de esa cantidad para la masa y la otra mitad para la cobertura. Para la terminación, 50 g de azúcar y mezclada con canela en polvo. MÉTODO Precalienta el horno a 185 ºC. Forra el molde con papel de hornear. Mezcla el azúcar con la manteca hasta integrar bien y añade los huevos uno a uno. Añade el siguiente cuando el anterior se haya integrado completamente. Añade el puré de calabaza en dos veces e integra de cada vez. Añade la harina tamizada con la levadura, con una pizca de sal y con la mitad de la canela, alternando con la adición de nata, empezando y terminando con la harina. Vierte la harina en el molde, espolvorea azúcar con la otra mitad canela y hornea a 185ºC durante 15 minutos, baja la temperatura hasta 180 ºC y hornea durante 40 minutos más aproximadamente. Comprueba el punto de cocción pinchando con palillo, si sale seco, estará lista y sino dejamos unos minutos más. Retira la bica del horno, deja que templar durante 10 minutos y desmolda sobre una rejilla. Para servirla hay que dejarla enfriar completamente. Puedes preparar el PURÉ DE CALABAZA de forma muy sencilla en el microondas: Pela, limpia y corta en pedazos la calabaza. Pon los trozos en un recipiente apto para microondas, añade unas gotas de agua para facilitar la cocción al vapor y tapa con film transparente o tapa. Pasados 8 minutos el puré estará cocinado, comprueba que está blandita la calabaza. Si no fuese así, dale 2 o 3 de minutos más. Cuidado al retirar el film o abrir la tapa porque el vapor saldrá muy caliente.
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INGREDIENTS 4 Eggs. 275 g of sugar. 200 g of room-temperature cow butter. 400 g of all-purpose wheat flour or Galician wheat. 150 ml of cream. 15 g of baking powder. Pinch of salt. 300 g of drained pumpkin puree. 1/2 Teaspoon of ground cinnamon, half for the dough and the other half for the topping. For finishing, 50 g of sugar mixed with ground cinnamon. METHOD Preheat the oven to 185°C. Line the mold with parchment paper. Mix the sugar with the butter until well combined, then add the eggs one by one. Add the next one when the previous one has been fully incorporated. Add the pumpkin puree in two portions and integrate each time. Incorporate the sifted flour with the baking powder, a pinch of salt and the a half of the cinnamon, alternating with the addition of cream, starting and finishing with the flour. Pour the mixture into the mold, sprinkle sugar mixed with cinnamon on top, and bake at 185°C for 15 minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 180°C and bake for approximately 40 more minutes. Check for doneness by inserting a toothpick; if it comes out dry, it's ready. If not, bake for a few more minutes. Remove the "bica" from the oven, let it cool for 10 minutes, and then unmold it onto a cooling rack. To serve, allow it to cool completely. You can easily prepare PUMPKIN PUREE in the microwave: Peel, clean, and cut the pumpkin into chunks. Place the pieces in a microwave-safe dish, add a few drops of water to aid in steaming, and cover with plastic wrap or a lid. After 8 minutes, the puree should be cooked; check to ensure the pumpkin is soft. If not, give it an additional 2 or 3 minutes. Be careful when removing the plastic wrap or opening the lid because the steam will be very hot.
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A Costa da Morte , es un paraíso natural del noroeste de España que se extiende a lo largo de más 200 km de costa en el que descubrirás los paisajes costeros naturales más espectaculares de Galicia . Bosques, faros, acantilados, playas salvajes con dunas, marismas y lagunas de agua salada conservan toda su belleza indómita. Un lugar donde un día cualquiera de agosto todavía puedes dar largos paseos por bellísimas playas casi solitarias. Descubre la mágica Costa da Morte, eres bienvenido a un lugar único en Europa que te cautivará! El sitio en que su rica historia se fusiona con la tranquilidad y la amabilidad de sus gentes. Disfruta de una experiencia sanadora, de la buena comida y de vivir bien de forma sencilla. Optimiza tu viaje con nuestras 2 rutas recomendadas: De Ruta por A Costa da Morte Este. De Ruta por A Costa da Morte Oeste. De Ruta por A Costa da Morte Este: Para explorar el tramo más oriental de A Costa da Morte, desde el antiguo pueblo ballenero de Caión hasta el de Laxe , te sugerimos iniciar el recorrido tomando la carretera que conecta Carballo con Baldaio para conocer en primer lugar Caión . Este itinerario te permitirá descubrir la belleza de esta zona de la costa gallega en todo su esplendor. Caión
Por VILANOVAA 28 de noviembre de 2023
The Costa da Morte is a natural paradise in the northwest of Spain, stretching along more than 200 km of coastline where you'll discover some of Galicia's most spectacular natural coastal landscapes. Forests, lighthouses, cliffs, wild beaches with dunes, marshes, and saltwater lagoons preserve all their untamed beauty. It's a place where on any given day in August, you can still take long walks on stunning, nearly deserted beaches Discover the magical Costa da Morte, where you're welcomed to a unique place in Europe that will captivate you! It's where its rich history merges with the tranquility and friendliness of its people. Enjoy a healing experience, good food, and the art of simple living. Enhance your journey with our two recommended routes Travelling through A Costa da Morte East. Travelling through A Costa da Morte West. Travelling through A Costa da Morte East: To explore the easternmost stretch of Costa da Morte, from the ancient whaling village of Caión to Laxe, we suggest starting the journey by taking the road connecting Carballo to Baldaio to first explore Caión. This route allows you to discover the beauty of this area along the Galician coast in all its splendor. Caión
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